SOAP Up this Summer on the Southbank

A soul-cleansing combination of theatre, dance, and comedy, SOAP bathes each audience member in an immersive live performance that's equal parts high-art and bawdy entertainment.

The show is billed as dancers, acrobats, a clown and an opera singer performing in and around bathtubs filled with water. When I saw plastic splash sheets at my feet, I worried this was going to resemble a collaboration between Cirque Du Soleil and Carrot Top.

What transpired over the next 70 minutes was a beautiful, sexy, and hilarious montage of excellence. Marie-Andrée Lemaire acted as a compere / clown, delivering sophisticated physical comedy and a character that the audience could anchor itself to while the highly skilled troupe of dancers performed diverse numbers showcasing aerial work, juggling, acrobatics, and ballet. The soundtrack was as varied as the talent, featuring a mix of classical, dance, and rock n roll. Jennifer Lindshield's voice soared effortlessly through all genres, and Anton Belyakov executed a stunning climax to A Perfect Circle's grunge-rock anthem “Judith”. The audience splash sheets were needed for this number, as he powerfully flung his body in and out of the tub, soaking the first three rows. I found myself pressing my face against the plastic so I could avoid the water but not miss any of his incredible movements.

For tickets starting at £15 (weekdays) and £18 (weekends), SOAP is one of the best values in live entertainment London currently has to offer, and you'd be sorry to give this a miss. The show runs until June 17th, booking can be found on Udderbelly.